DKP 2.x
Find answers for your 2.x Konvoy, Kommander, and Kaptain questions
- Use a specific storageClass for Rook-ceph
- Why am I getting the message "Missing sudo password" when building an image for the vsphere provider with Konvoy Image Builder?
- Custom Domains, ACME certificates and Custom CA certificates
- HTTP01 Solvers and On Premise Clusters
- Error on Kommander install: "no matches for kind "ClusterIssuer" "
- DKP install failing with 'Unable to find flux: No such file or directory'
- DNS warning: Search Line limits were exceeded, some search paths have been omitted
- Modifying kubelet and kube-apiserver flags pre-deployment in DKP 2.X
- Known issue: dex-k8s-authenticator "Argument list too long" error
- Rook Ceph Installation Errors for On Premise
- Customer advisory - Ubuntu 1804 or 2004 images failing with KIB 1.23 and 1.24
- At which resource level should I set the minimum required permissions when provisioning clusters with DKP vSphere provider?
- What happened to Kubeaddons in DKP 2.X?
- Kube-vip failing with "no such host" error
- Logging-operator's FluentD "entry out of order"
- Pivoting Back CAPI Components to Bootstrap
- Updating vCenter Server TLS Certificate Thumbprint in DKP
- Grafana-logging logs are not up to date, with fluentbit errors
- Troubleshooting Stuck Kommander Application Deployments on DKP 2.4 and Newer
- Why is Konvoy Image Builder throwing this error: "vsphere-clone: error saving temporary keypair in the vm: not possible to save temporary public key"?
- Known issue: "cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'namespace' null" error
- Known Issue: Configuring Gatekeeper values
- Known Issue: IPv6 On Prem Provisioning Failures
- How to change the password for the static credentials used to access the DKP UI
- Output the Bootstrap Cluster Kubeconfig to a File
- Changing the Default Bootstrap IP Range
- Expose app with Traefik
- Fluentbit error "The requested URL could not be retrieved" for PROXIED environment
- How to resize the Prometheus volume in DKP 2.X
- How to create multiple registry mirror and endpoints for DKP overrides