DKP 2.x
Find answers for your 2.x Konvoy, Kommander, and Kaptain questions
- KIB Snapshot creation error with messages pertaining to encrypted snapshots or marketplace product codes
- konvoy-image upload failure: "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: no such identity"
- Failed to create AWS Cluster - Invalid IAM Instance Profile name
- Chartmuseum unable to bind volume on AWS
- Remove Traefik leftowers after major version upgrade
- Known issue: Logging-operator connection errors after Fluentbit change
- Logging-operator pods not updating after UI config change
- Enabling Volume Expansion in the default Storage Provider
- Create new cluster fails to complete due to time drift
- Chartmuseum failing to install on AWS
- New DKP install "ControlPlaneUnhealthy", stuck at Calico install
- Rook Ceph in DKP - How is implemented by default, how to troubleshoot and most common issues
- How to use preKubeadmCommands to configure hosts when deploying Kubernetes with DKP vsphere provider
- Kommander Traefik returns 301 (moved permanently) after a major version upgrade
- Pod to pod communication issues between nodes with Mellanox ConnectX-4 and ConnectX-6 network interface
- Metal-LB images no longer available at
- Kommander Migration failure: unable to extract value of "httpProxy" from values.yml override
- Velero Backups download error in DKP 2.4.0
- Federated resources fails to propagate - missing FederatedTypeConfig
- NodeHighNumberConntrackEntriesUsed in Prometheus Alerts
- How to detect if a clock skew is affecting Rook-Ceph monitors in DKP?
- Error: Chart Bundle "invalid header" error on Kommander upgrade
- Known issue: Segfault on upgrade to Kommander 2.3.2
- How to modify the Traefik access log verbosity in DKP 2.4.0?
- Scraping Prometheus metrics for non DKP applications
- Changing Bootstrap Subnet and Gateway to Avoid Conflicts
- Deploying a DKP cluster with a lower version than the default
- Provisioning a Kubernetes cluster with DKP 2.X gets stuck due to Kubernetes versions mismatch
- Kommander fails to create/update Traefik-forward-auth config overrides
- Change the existing override applied to nodes during provisioning/re-provisioning for Preprovisioned clusters