DKP 2.x
Find answers for your 2.x Konvoy, Kommander, and Kaptain questions
- Error on upgrade: No package matching 'XXX' found available, installed or updated
- Harbor private registry - Error: ErrImagePull Failed to pull image failed to resolve reference
- Why do I get an InvalidBlockDeviceMapping error when building a cluster-api compliant AMI with Konvoy Image Builder?
- Why do I have issues creating cluster-api compliant AMI in AWS US government regions with Konvoy Image Builder?
- Kube-scheduler and anti-affinity usage
- Why does Konvoy Image Builder complain that there is no default VPC?
- Where does the cluster-api vSphere provider retrieves the credentials to authenticate with the vCenter in DKP 2.X?
- Unable to Open or Launch Kommander Dashboard
- AWS "error describing modifications in volume" error when attempting to resize volumes
- Accessing node filesystem via kubectl
- Nvidia Node feature discovery error - cannot open shared object file: No such file or director
- Troubleshooting when APIserver won't start
- Why is Fluxcd source-controller complaining about the gitea-0 TLS certificate being expired?
- Why does Kommander 2.X complain about requiring migration when it has been migrated successfully when I try an update
- Why is Chartmuseum stuck in Pending State?
- Kubernetes Networking
- How to scan container images for vulnerabilities with Trivy
- How to find a node's available resources
- Known Issue: Reinstalling Kommander Breaks dex-k8s-authenticator and traefik-forward-auth-mgmt
- Deploying DKP to AWS environments where secrets manager is not available
- Known Issue: error getting Preprovisioned Inventory objects during adopt a cluster preparation
- Error when seeding a docker registry
- Install DKP in a given vSphere cluster (zone)
- Resolving kubectl throttling issues
- Dynamically label new nodes from labels set during the nodepool creation
- Setup a private image registry server with TLS
- How to resolve Google Cloud login ERROR: Precondition check failed
- How to access Loki endpoints in Kommander 2.x
- Issues creating cluster-api compliant AMIs in AWS regions where Instance Metadata Tags are not supported
- If a DKP 2.2 cluster stuck due to too tight validatingwebhookconfigurations