Starting with Kaptain 1.2.0, Automatic Profile Creation for new users is disabled by default. If you would like to re-enable profile creation, you can issue a patch command to Kaptain:
kubectl patch instance -n kubeflow kaptain-centraldashboard -p '{"spec":{"parameters":{"registrationFlow":"true"}}}' --type=merge
You can also issue a command to disable it using the same method:
kubectl patch instance -n kubeflow kaptain-centraldashboard -p '{"spec":{"parameters":{"registrationFlow":"false"}}}' --type=merge
With these commands, you should be able to more easily control new user profile creation. You may find this useful as a method of letting initial users log in, verify that their profiles have been created, and then lock down Kaptain to prevent further changes to your environment in place of doing manual profile creation as described in our documentation here: