kubectl Version Issue
kubectl version fails to show both Client and Server Versions and gives an i/o timeout error
Error Message
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp i/o timeout
If this is a new deployment and no other deployments exist you can run the following command:
$ konvoy apply kubeconfig
If this is an existing deployment you can check to see what the current-context is by running the command:
$ kubectl config current-context
If the current-context is pointing to an old cluster you can run the following commands to switch the current-context:
$ kubectx (Shows all available clusters) konvoy-quickstart-admin@konvoy-quickstart
Highlight the cluster you want set to the current-context and hit Enter You can also run the following command to set the current-context:
$ kubectl config set current-context
$ kubectl config set current-context konvoy-quickstart-admin@konvoy-quickstart Property "current-context" set
If the current-context is correct and you are still receiving the error, then look into why the API server is unavailable.
Once the issue is resolved you should see output as shown below:
$ kubectl version --short=true Client Version: v1.15.3 Server Version: v1.16.3