When installing a Kommander cluster, you may notice that certain platform apps are not deploying because they are still waiting for Traefik to finish becoming ready.
If you investigate the logs for the traefik-forward-auth pod(s), you may notice an error that resembles the following:
time="20XX-XX-XXTXX:XX:XXZ" level=fatal msg="failed to get provider configuration for https://example.com/dex: Get \"https://example.com/dex/.well-known/openid-configuration\": dial tcp: lookup example.com on no such host (hint: make sure https://example.com/dex is accessible from the cluster)"
In cases we have observed, this can be caused by a misconfiguration in your external DNS.
Check to make sure that the address in the error message can be resolved manually from your worker and control plane nodes. Also, ensure that your external DNS does not still have a leftover entry from a previous installation pointing to the incorrect endpoint.
Once you clear out any bad entries, you may need to restart CoreDNS, your External DNS, and delete the helmreleases of any stuck Kommander apps to trigger a redeploy.