In DKP 2.5 you might notice that the kustomization is not reconciling automatically.
This is evident when, for example, deleting a helmrelease. The helmrelease would not automatically reconcile back.
This is due to the change in the default interval time for kustomization reconciliation.
kubectl get kustomization traefik-forward-auth-mgmt -n kommander -oyaml | grep interval -A 2 -B 2 spec: force: false interval: 6h0m0s patchesJson6902: - patch:
This means that the kustomization would automatically be reconciled every 6hours. Unlike with previous versions, where the default interval time is only 5minutes.
We can use flux cli to force the reconciliation.
flux reconcile kustomization traefik-forward-auth-mgmt -n kommander ► annotating Kustomization traefik-forward-auth-mgmt in kommander namespace ✔ Kustomization annotated ◎ waiting for Kustomization reconciliation ✔ applied revision main@sha1:50cfa447f3ab5370f3806cbe9efb6a347f1bbd9d
Changing the interval time is also possible. Although the reason why the value was increased, is due to performance reasons.